While there's been much discussion in the Blogoshpere about Paul Ryan's joke of a budget proposal, Ezra Klein shows how the Affordable Care Act is far more likely to reduce the long-term deficit than the Medicare vouchers Ryan is proposing:

"The Affordable Care Act has taken a lot of hits. It’s not popular, and though very few of the political actors confidently attacking or advocating it can explain the many things it’s doing to try and control costs, people have very strong opinions on whether it will succeed at controlling costs. But the irony of everyone demanding Democrats come up with a vision for addressing the drivers of our deficit in the years to come is that, on the central driver of costs and the central element of Ryan’s budget, Democrats actually have something better than a vision. They have a law, and for all its flaws, their law actually makes some sense. Republicans don’t have a law, and their vision, at this point, doesn’t make any sense at all."

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